What is full time van life like with your little boy, Ellis?
Parenting, in general, is hard work! Regardless of where you are and what you do...you'll have tough days and good days. Parenting in a small van while travelling full-time is no different!
But, it is so worth it when you can wake up and roll out of bed with your kid, and you are on the beach, or deep in a forest, or on a mountainside watching traditional shepherds or falling asleep watching the Northern lights through your roof vent! The things Ellis has seen at such a young age and the wealth of knowledge he has just by experiencing first hand the beauty this of this World makes all those little niggly moments worth it.
We are proud to be pursuing an alternative way of living while raising children. The things that drive us to achieve our goals are really very simple; minimal and sustainable living, freedom to go wherever and whenever and quality time together as a family. Life is too short not to be doing what we want to be doing! And, we are confident that striving to achieve this way of living will only have a positive impact on our Son and future Bub. So that they will grow up striving to achieve what makes them really happy too.